The last time I had roti puri was few years back... at last, i managed to prepare it for dinner tonite matched with Sambal Kerang. Those 'kerang' was kept in the freezer for many moons already - so get rid before expire... :D.
ROTI PURI by cendrawasih2020@yahoo.com.my
1 kilo tepung gandum 1kg all purpose flour
4 sudu minyak sapi 4 tbsps ghee
1 sudu teh garam 1 tsp salt
Air secukupnya untuk menguli enough water to knead
3 cawan minyak untuk menggoreng 3 cups cooking oil
Panaskan minyak sapi hingga cair. Masukkan ke dalam tepung. Gaul rata dengan senduk. Kemudian masukkan air yang telah dikacau bersama garam secukupnya. Uli hingga jadi doh lembut licin.
Heat to melt the ghee. Mix well into the flour then add in water (dissolve salt into the water) and knead until smooth dough is formed.
Kemudian ambil doh sebesar macam nak buat karipap, canaikan bulat dan nipis.
Round out the dough into a golf ball size, roll out the dough to a thin layer piece.
Panaskan minyak dalam kuali. Masukkan doh yang dicanai nipis tadi. Bila digoreng ia akan naik menggelembung.
Heat up cooking oil in a pan. Deep fry the rolled out pieces. It will balloon during frying.
Balikkan dan bila dah kuning bolehlah angkat ke dalam pinggan yang dialas dengan kertas kitchen.
Turn over and fry until golden brown and move to a plate lined with kitchen towels.
Sambal Kerang by me
3 kg kerang (cockles) - boiled and separate the shells
10 tbsps Chili paste
5 shallots - blended
1 clove garlic - blended
thumb size shrimp paste - blended
tamarind juice
salt and sugar to taste
cooking oil
1 onion - sliced
Heat up cooking oil, saute blended ingredients until water dissolved. Fold in the cockles, mix well. Add in tamarind juice, salt and sugar to taste. Bring to boil and all ingredients well blended to each other. Add in sliced onion, cook until onion become soft. Simmer few minutes before serve.
sedapnya roti puri ni...pernah mkn tapi tak pernah buat..:)
buat la nieza, sedap... layan ngan sambal sardine..pehh!!!
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