Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ketam Masak Rendang (Crab Rendang)

This recipe Ketam Masak Rendang (Crab Rendang) was from Linda PTP. She got this from her beloved Mother In Law which is a Perakian. Thank you Makcik (auntie) and thank you Linda for prolonged this delicious recipe... eemmmm yummy... I like crab no matter how its been cooked.

di mesin halus / to finely blend:
5 batang cili kering 5 pcs dried chillies
5 biji bawang merah 5 shallots
2 biji bawang putih 2 cloves garlic
1 inci halia 1 in ginger
1 inci kunyit 1 in turmeric
1kg Ketam 1 kg crabs

3 batang serai diketuk 3 pcs lemon grass pounded
sedikit belacan jika suka shrimp paste (optional)
santan dari 1 biji kelapa coconut milk from 1 coconut - i like thick in consistency
asam keping dried tamarind
daun kunyit dimayang halus turmeric leave thinly sliced
daun limau purut jika suka lime leave - optional
garam dan serbuk perasa salt and seasoning to taste

She only gave the ingredient list but not the method of preparing the rendang. So, this is the way I cooked them.

Panaskan minyak dalam kuali. Tumiskan bahan kisar, kacau goreng selama 5 minit. Masukkan santan, asam keping, daun kunyit, daun limau purut dan perasa. Kacau hingga mendidih. Masukkan ketam. Kacau selama 3-5 minit. Sedia dihidang.
Heat some cooking oil. Put in blended ingredients into hot oil. Stir fry for 5 minutes. Add in the coconut milk, dried tamarind, the leaves, salt and seasoning. Stir until boiling. Add in crabs. Stir for 3-5 minutes. Ready to serve.

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