5 kg daging potong dadu (5kg diced/cubed meat)
600 ml santan kotak (600ml boxed coconut milk)
2 inci lengkuas - dihiris (2 inches galangal - sliced)
Bahan kisar / To blend
50 g cili kering direndam (250g dried chillies - soaked)
1/2 kg bawang merah (1/2 kg shallots)
8 ulas bawang putih (8 cloves garlic)
3 inci halia (3 inches ginger)
3 ketul kunyit sebesar ibujari (3 pcs of thumbsized tumeric)
9 batang serai (9 stalks lemon grass)
kerisik - agak2 (refer note below)
daun kunyit dihiris halus (tumeric leaves thinly sliced)
daun limau purut - hiris (kaffir leaves - sliced)
perahan pekat assam jawa (thick tamarind juice)
garam & gula secukup rasa (salt & sugar to taste)
Masukkan daging, bahan kisar, lengkuas dan santan ke dalam kuali. Masak dengan api sederhana. Biarkan mereneh, kacau selalu hingga daging empuk dan air setengah kering.
Masukkan kerisik, daun kunyit, perahan asam jawa, garam dan gula. Gaul rata dan biarkan ia mendidih semula.
Perlahankan api, biar mereneh sehingga daging betul2 empuk dan kuah sedikit kering. Sebelum angkat, taburkan daun limau purut.
Add the Beef, blended ingredients, galangal and Coconut Milk in a wok. Cook in medium fire. Simmer uncovered, stirring frequently, until the meat is almost cooked and the water halfly gone.
Add the Turmeric leaves, kerisik, tamarind juice, sugar and salt. Mix well and let it boil again.
Lower the heat and simmer until the meat is really tender and the gravy has dried up.
Kerisik is ground coconut. To prepare the kerisik, roast of fresh grated coconut, either the traditional way in a dry Wok, stirring constantly, or in a slow oven until brown. Then grind finely, preferably when hot, because then it's crispy and easier to grind. Coconut oil may be produced if the coconut is old, in which case, simply combine it with the ground coconut.